Personal data protection. GDPR.
The General Data Protection Regulation /GDPR/, adopted by the European Union, which is directly applicable on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, enters into force on 25 May 2018. The new Regulation does not provide an obligation for the data administators to register but provides for an obligation for accountability. For the Business enviroment this means that the company should be able at any time to prove that the requirements of the Regulation have been met, also in the event of a check-up by Commision for personal data protection, to be able to determine what king of personal data the company works with, for what kind of purposes and for how long, how does the company store the data, provides it to third parties and which ones they are, what measures are taken to ensure security of personal data.
We offer a development of a complete package of personal data protection documents for your company – guidelines, policies, instructions, sample forms etc.